we allow to power our vehicles, appliances, and objects and Light. Whether or not increasedS exposure to the force within the wires had built some kind of sympathetic bridge between the electricians and the unknown, they had in Electroistas . The motivation for all four groups of specialists to move away into the unknown and abandon their fields was the fact that existing human culture had come to an end and revitilisation was essential as the negation of all known pathways. This dual action of negation and movement created the forms within which a new work could be achieved.
Some said the true message was – look for the spaces between- look between the structures we hve created or have been created for us. One of the criicisms of this philosophy was that new form created
between older existing structures did not 
electemptiness erased to its core with NANAs crazed dance between forms unrecognizable, invisible even.
Like the strange powers wi translated the movements borne from deep possession into a oracular deity device which added a new connection between the
forces generated within her body broadcast a spasmodic morse code which defied all interpretation. The electricians decided to tap into this source by using body ....





Avui 08-08-08 , en directe des de l'estudi de Ràdio Contrabanda, a les 22 hores, al 91.4 FM de Barcelona o per internet a www.contrabanda.org